Glide SUP Presents How To Paddle Board Against The Current: The Complete Guide

Stand-up paddleboarding (SUP) is a great way to explore the water and enjoy the outdoors. While it can be an incredibly peaceful and relaxing activity, it can also be quite challenging, especially when you're paddling against the current. In this complete guide, we'll take a look at everything you need to know to paddle board against the current and enjoy your time on the water safely and confidently. 

Key Highlights

  1. Understanding the Current: Dive into the basics of what a current is, the different types, and the factors that influence them for better SUP navigation.
  2. Preparing for the Challenge: Essential tips on choosing the right gear, preparing your board, and warming up to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.
  3. Advanced Paddling Techniques: Learn specialized techniques for paddling against the current, including the optimal stance, paddle usage, and reading water conditions.
  4. Strategies for Strong Currents: Tactical advice for handling strong currents, including navigating at angles and using a zig-zag pattern to advance.
  5. Safety First: Emphasizes the importance of wearing a PFD, knowing your limits, and understanding the risks involved in paddling against the current.


paddling a paddle board

Paddleboarding is a great way to experience the outdoors and get some exercise. But when you're paddling against the current, it can be a lot more challenging. Currents can be unpredictable and can easily sweep you away if you're not careful. In this guide, we'll provide you with everything you need to know to paddle board against the current safely and confidently.

Understanding the Current

What is a Current?

A current is a body of water that flows in a particular direction. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including wind, tide, and temperature. Currents can vary in speed and strength, and they can be affected by the shape of the coastline and other features of the surrounding landscape.

Types of Currents

There are two main types of currents: tidal and non-tidal. Tidal currents are caused by the rise and fall of the tides, while non-tidal currents are caused by wind, temperature, and other factors.

Factors that Affect Currents

Several factors can affect the strength and direction of a current. These include wind, tides, temperature, and the shape of the coastline. It's essential to understand these factors to be able to predict and navigate the current safely.

Understanding the Tides

The tides can have a significant impact on the strength and direction of the current. It's essential to understand the tides in the area where you plan to paddle to be able to navigate the current effectively. Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun, and they can be affected by the shape of the coastline and other factors.

Preparing to Paddle Against the Current

Choosing the Right Gear

When paddling against the current, it's crucial to choose the right gear to help you stay safe and comfortable. This includes wearing a personal flotation device (PFD) and using the appropriate paddle for your skill level.

Getting Your Board Ready

Before you start paddling against the current, make sure your board is in good condition. Check the fin and leash, and make sure they are securely attached. Check the inflation level of the board and adjust it as needed.

Warm-Up Exercises

Before embarking on your paddling journey, you should limber up your muscles to stave off any potential injuries. Properly preparing your muscles is a good measure to prevent any strain. Since paddling places great stress on your shoulders, back, and core, these areas are especially vulnerable to injury if not sufficiently warmed up.

Paddling Techniques for the Current

When paddling against the current, it's essential to use the right techniques to help you move efficiently and effectively. This includes using your core muscles to power your strokes, keeping your paddle close to the board to maintain stability, and adjusting the angle of your paddle to control your direction.

Paddling Against the Current

Finding the Right Position

When paddling against the current, it's important to find the right position on your board. This includes placing your feet in the right position for balance and stability and keeping your body centered over the board.

Reading the Water

To paddle against the current effectively, it's important to read the water and understand the direction and strength of the current. Look for visual cues like the movement of the water and the presence of waves and ripples.

Using Your Paddle Correctly

Using the right paddling technique is essential when paddling against the current. This includes using a high cadence, using your core muscles to power your strokes, and keeping your paddle close to the board to maintain stability.

Strategies for Tackling Strong Currents

When faced with strong currents, it's important to use the right strategies to navigate safely. This includes paddling at an angle to the current, using a zig-zag pattern to move forward, and avoiding areas with particularly strong currents.

Staying Safe While Paddling Against the Current

Wearing a Personal Flotation Device (PFD).

pfd for paddleboarding

Wearing a PFD is essential when paddling against the current. It can help keep you afloat in the event of an accident or if you become tired.

Knowing Your Limits

It's important to know your limits when paddling against the current. Start with smaller, calmer currents before moving on to more challenging conditions.

Understanding the Risks

Paddling against the current can be a risky activity, and it's important to understand the potential dangers. These include getting swept away by the current, colliding with other watercraft, and getting tired or injured.


Paddling against the current can be a fun and challenging activity for stand-up paddleboarders of all skill levels. By understanding the current, choosing the right gear, and using the right techniques, you can navigate safely and confidently. Always remember to wear a PFD, know your limits, and understand the risks before setting out on the water.


  1. Is it safe to paddle against the current?

    • Paddling against the current can be safe as long as you take the necessary precautions, including wearing a PFD, knowing your limits, and understanding the risks.

  2. What gear do I need to paddle against the current?

    • It's important to wear a PFD and use the appropriate paddle for your skill level when paddling against the current.

  3. How can I read the water when paddling against the current?

    • Look for visual cues like the movement of the water and the presence of waves and ripples to understand the direction and strength of the current.

  4. What are some strategies for tackling strong currents?

    • Paddling at an angle to the current, using a zig-zag pattern to move forward, and avoiding areas with particularly strong currents can all be effective strategies for navigating strong currents.

  5. What are the potential risks of paddling against the current?

    • The potential risks of paddling against the current include getting swept away by the current, colliding with other watercraft, and getting tired or injured.

    From paddle boarding on a lake to surfing ocean waves or shooting white water rapids, we at Glide hope you have an awesome experience and happy paddling stay safe and look for some upcoming articles specifically designed for certain situations such as rip tides, river, moving water in lake currents and other hazards that may be found on rivers. For now stay safe and we hope this quick introduction helps out.

    Let us know about any issues you have had with currents or tides at #glidesup on Instagram.