Training for the Long Haul: Endurance Training on Stand Up Paddle Boards

What is Endurance Training on SUPs?

Endurance training on Stand Up Paddle Boards (SUPs) involves engaging in extended periods of paddle boarding to improve one's stamina, balance, strength, and overall physical performance. This training method leverages the sport's inherent whole-body engagement and adaptability to a variety of environments, enhancing not only the participant's endurance but also their mental resilience.

Key Highlights

  1. Understanding Endurance Training on SUPs: Engage in prolonged paddle boarding sessions to boost stamina, balance, and physical performance, embracing the sport's full-body workout potential.
  2. Choosing the Right Paddle Board: Decide between inflatable and solid paddle boards based on personal preference, training location, and logistical needs. Highlight the growing popularity of inflatable boards for their convenience and versatility.
  3. Paddle Board Dimensions Matter: Select boards with optimal length, width, and thickness for stability and speed, crucial for enduring training sessions.
  4. Endurance Training Techniques: Gradually increase paddling duration and distance, incorporate interval training, and focus on developing core strength for improved stamina.
  5. Safety and Preparation: Emphasize the importance of wearing life jackets, using leashes, and understanding weather and water conditions for a safe training experience.
  6. Additional Training Tips: Explore cross-training opportunities like SUP yoga and paddle boarding with dogs to enhance physical and mental endurance.
  7. Mental Strength in Endurance Training: Develop mental resilience by engaging with the therapeutic aspects of paddling and focusing on the rhythmic movements and sounds of water.
  8. Recovery and Nutrition: Underline the significance of proper recovery and nutrition to support muscle repair and growth essential for endurance training.

 inflatable sup board is a stable board

Picking the Right Paddle Board

Before embarking on any endurance training regimen, the first and foremost consideration should be your equipment. Choosing the right stand up paddle board is key to successful training (source).

Inflatable vs. Solid Boards

There are two primary types of paddle boards: inflatable board and solid paddle board. Inflatable paddle boards are easier to transport and store, and they offer excellent durability and flexibility. On the other hand, solid boards can provide better speed and performance, especially for more experienced paddlers (source).

For endurance training, the choice between inflatable and solid paddle boards depends on your personal preference, training location, and storage/transportation capabilities. If you'll be training in varied conditions, an inflatable paddle board may be the better choice for its adaptability and easy transportation (source). Inflatable boards make up roughly 50% of paddle board sales globally and are expected to overtake rigid boards in sales by 2030.

Paddle Board Dimensions

The dimensions of your paddle board, including its length, width, and thickness, play a crucial role in its performance. For instance, longer stand up paddle boards tend to be faster and suitable for longer, more challenging expeditions, whereas wider boards offer more stability, making them ideal for beginners or activities like SUP yoga (source).

When it comes to endurance training, the type of SUP you choose matters significantly. Glide offers a range of lightweight paddleboards, which are ideal for those long training sessions. You need a board that's stable, easy to handle, and capable of cutting through water efficiently.

Glide's beginner guide to SUP fishing offers insights into selecting the right fishing paddle board. Although geared towards fishing, the guide's tips on stability and durability apply to endurance training as well. Remember, training for the long haul means you're going to spend a significant amount of time on your board, so comfort is essential.

Inflatable paddle boards are becoming popular due to their portability and durability. The Glide Angler Fishing Paddle Board is a great example, with its enhanced stability making it suitable for endurance training. The board also includes convenient features like a paddle holder, which is beneficial during long paddling sessions.

Endurance Training Techniques

Once you've chosen your ideal SUP, it's time to focus on your training. Like any other form of endurance training, building stamina on a paddleboard takes time, patience, and consistency. Start by increasing the length of your paddling sessions gradually. If you're a beginner, you might start with sessions of 20 to 30 minutes, then add 5 to 10 minutes to each session as your strength and stamina improve.

Remember, endurance training isn't just about going fast—it's about going far. So, don't rush. Keep a steady, consistent pace that allows you to paddle for longer periods. Over time, you'll be able to maintain this pace for extended sessions, improving your stamina and overall fitness.

Endurance Training Techniques

touring board is a multi person paddle board

Developing Core Strength

One of the critical aspects of endurance training on a paddle board is developing core strength. Paddle boarding requires constant engagement of your core muscles for balance and movement, making it a superb full-body workout (source).

Paddle Longer Distances

Training for endurance also means gradually increasing the distances you paddle. Over time, this helps improve your stamina and resilience. It's important, however, to pace yourself appropriately to avoid overexertion or injury.

Interval Training

Stand up paddle board interval training involves alternating between high-intensity paddling and periods of rest or low-intensity paddling. This type of training can help improve both your speed and endurance over time.

Safety and Preparation

Life Jackets and Leashes

Regardless of your skill level, it's essential to prioritize safety during your endurance training. This means always wearing a life jacket and using a leash attached to your board. Life jackets provide buoyancy in case you fall into the water, while leashes prevent your board from drifting away from you (source).

Weather and Water Conditions

Understanding and respecting weather and water conditions is crucial when training for endurance SUP. Factors such as wind direction and speed, water currents, and temperature can significantly affect your safety and performance (source).

Stand Up paddle boarding (SUP) is a fantastic way to engage in a fun, outdoor activity that offers both physical and mental benefits. It's no wonder then that many are exploring the possibility of endurance training on SUPs. Building endurance on a paddleboard is an intriguing prospect that combines the serenity of open water with the rigour of a full-body workout.

fishing paddle boards and recreational paddle boards

Additional Training Tips

While paddle boards are great for building endurance, they also offer a platform for cross-training. For instance, some people enjoy paddle boarding with dogs or doing yoga on their SUPs

Paddle boarding with Dogs

Taking your furry friend along for the ride can be a fantastic bonding experience and a fun way to diversify your training. Check out Glide's guide on how to paddleboard with dogs for tips on introducing your dog to your board, ensuring their safety, and making the experience enjoyable for both of you.

SUP Yoga

sup boards

SUP Yoga offers an opportunity to combine the calming practice of yoga with the unique challenge of maintaining balance on a paddle board. The practice can enhance your core strength, flexibility, and balance, all of which are crucial for endurance SUP training. For beginners, Glide's article on how to do yoga on a paddle board offers excellent insights.

Mental Strength and Endurance Training

Endurance training isn't just about physical stamina; it also requires mental resilience. Paddling for extended periods can be mentally challenging, and developing a strong mindset is a crucial part of your training. Focusing on the rhythmic movement of paddling and the soothing sounds of the water can be a form of moving meditation, helping you build mental endurance along with physical stamina.

Recovery and Nutrition

Lastly, remember the importance of recovery and nutrition. No matter how rigorous your training, giving your body time to rest and recover is crucial for muscle repair and growth. A balanced diet that fuels your body with the necessary nutrients is equally important.

Glide's article on recovery and nutrition for paddle boarding provides comprehensive information on how to nourish your body before and after your training sessions and how to incorporate recovery into your training routine.


touring paddle boards

Endurance training on paddle boards can be a rewarding experience that combines fitness, adventure, and the tranquility of being out on the water. As you prepare for this challenge, remember the importance of choosing the right equipment, training progressively, and prioritizing safety. With dedication, consistency, and a love for the sport, you'll see your endurance grow over time.

(Note: Be sure to consult a healthcare provider before starting any new fitness regimen. This guide is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice.)